Abstract submission
From 1 – 31 July it will be possible to submit ‘Late breaking abstracts’: abstracts that consist of results that were not yet known, or fully available, at the time of the previous abstract submission deadline
Please note that an accepted abstract does not include complimentary registration. Registering to attend the ISFTD congress is mandatory.
For any questions regarding your abstract submission, please contact the congress secretariat: isftd2024@congresscare.com.
Please keep an eye on the conference website or register for the newsletter to receive updates in your mailbox.
Terms and conditions
Abstract submission is closed. In July it will be possible to submit ‘Late breaking abstracts’
Please note the terms and conditions before submitting an abstract:
- Abstracts need to be submitted via the online submission portal by the deadline of Monday 1 April, 2024 (23:59, CET). Abstracts submitted by post, fax or email will not be considered.
- The submitting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- Content needs to relate to not previously published results.
- The submitting author will act as the main point of contact for the abstract with organizers.
- Submission of an abstract automatically implies acknowledgement by the submitting author that the work described was conducted in accordance with current ethical standards and regulations in medical research.
- Abstracts should be submitted and presented in English.
- Changes to an abstract will not be permitted once the submission deadline has passed.
- Abstracts will be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee. Abstracts which include ethical concerns, do not meet scientific standards or include work not sufficiently relevant for FTD can be rejected. Notification regarding abstract acceptance and scheduling will be sent to the submitting author by email.
- All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published via the Conference website www.isftd2024.org
- Please note that the presenting author is not automatically registered by submitting an abstract.
- Non-registered authors will not be permitted to present their work at the conference. Only accepted abstracts with a presenting author registered with will be included for publication. When notified of acceptance, the Presenting Author is required to accept the offer by registering for the conference and paying in full by 30 June 2024.
Important dates
- 7 December 2023: Call for Abstracts open
- 15 February 2024: Registration open
- 1 April 2024: Abstract Submission Deadline
- By 14 May 2024, at the latest: Notification of Review Outcome
- 15 May 2024: Programme Available Online
- 30 June 2024: Deadline for Presenting Authors to confirm their acceptance by registering
- 1 July 2024: Late-breaking abstract submission open
- 31 July 2024: Late-breaking abstract submission deadline
- By the end of August 2024, at the latest: Notification of Review Outcome Late-breaking abstracts
- 10 September 2024: Deadline for Late-breaking abstract presenters to confirm their acceptance by registering
Presentation type
- Oral Presentation
The duration of oral presentations will be 15 minutes. After the presentations in the session, there will be a Q&A for 30 minutes, with all presenters of the session. - Poster presentation
Accepted posters will be asked to produce a poster for display at the conference. Presenters are asked to take note of the following guidelines when producing their poster. We kindly ask that you be at your poster to answer questions during the poster viewing times indicated in your acceptance letter and the conference program. Poster guidelines:
– Maximum poster size is A0 (0.84 x 1.19m)
– Portrait orientation
– Ensure all text is in large font
– Use graphs, charts, and/or table. - Poster Data Blitz presentation
Selected poster presenters will be given 3 minutes as an oral presentation to advertise their work and entice delegates to visit their poster presentation. This type of presentation will offer a fast paced overview of some of the most exciting research presented at this year’s poster sessions.The goal of the Data Blitz presentation should NOT be to present complete data, but to advertise one’s work and to entice delegates to visit their poster presentation for further discussions.Given the strict time limitation for the Data Blitz, presenters should prepare NO MORE THAN THREE PowerPoint slides. Therefore, some presenters may either select one major result of their study or some may elect to introduce their study and methods only, and encourage others to visit their poster to discover and discuss the results. A Data blitz slot is reserved for those abstracts with intermediate scores after review.
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract that contributes to the conference topics defined.
Epidemiology: (e.g. Geographical distribution, risk factors, environmental factors, sex-differences, etc.)
Biomarkers (fluid / neuroimaging): (e.g. Differential diagnosis FTD vs psychiatric disease, proteinopathy-specific biomarkers, neuroimaging advances, etc.)
Neuropsychology: (e.g. Remote-assessment, biometrics, digital testing, memory disturbances in FTD)
Neuropsychiatry: (e.g. criminal behavior, psychiatric symptoms in FTD, phenocopy syndrome, terminology, schizophrenia, addiction, etc.)
Genetics: (e.g. Functional analysis of GWAS-results, novel mutations, genetic modifiers, disease modeling, etc)
Clinic: (e.g. Clinical subtypes, atypical presentations, video-presentations, bedside tools, etc)
Diversity: (e.g. ethnic, genetic, linguistic, cultural, etc)
Clinical trials: (e.g. preclinical pharmaceutical studies, outcome measures, trial design)
Management: (e.g. caregiver perspectives, symptomatic treatment, behavioural management, etc)
Translational research: (e.g. Bioinformatics, AI/big-data/machine learning, single-cell approaches, multi-omics, pathogenesis, connectomics, etc.)
Neuropathology: (e.g. Cryo-EM, TDP biology, vascular factors, glial cells, etc.)
Sporadic FTD: (e.g. Cohorts, environmental factors, inflammatory factors, demographics, etc)
Pathophysiological mechanisms: (e.g. Fundamental research, organoids, iPSC’s, proteostasis, synaptic function, splicing mechanisms, disease spreading, etc.
Abstract submission
- Abstract title word limit is 15 words
- Select the type of preference you prefer
- Choose a topic of the topic list
- Add the authors details; name, affiliation, function, city, state, country
- The abstract should be no more than 250 words in length and should be divided into the following paragraphs: State of the art, Methodology, Results, Conclusion.
- No tables or images are allowed to submit during the submission process
- If references are essential, they should be within the text using the format: (Murphy et al. BJU Int 2005; 95 27-30)
All abstracts will go through a peer-review carried out by the International Scientific Committee. The scientific committee will review all submitted abstracts on:
- Fit to the conference theme
- Methods
- Originality
- Novelty (late breaking abstracts)
- Results/Conclusion
At the review stage, the Organizing Committee may change the presentation type submitted by the author and/or topic to ensure the continuity of the conference program. The presenting Author will be informed of any change to their submitted presentation type at the acceptance notification stage. The decision of the Organizing committee is final.