Marco Blom, the Netherlands

Marco Blom (1961) is scientific director of Alzheimer Nederland. He joined Alzheimer Nederland in March 1997. He was involved in the development of the Alzheimer Cafes, the academic Alzheimer Research Centres and the online platform (www. for people with dementia and their family caregivers. Other affiliations: board member of the Delta Plan Dementia, the national program on dementia in the Netherland (2013 – 2020) and board member of Alzheimer Europe (since 2018). Recently, he is appointed as chairman of the mission team of Health Holland which focusses on the development of social and technological innovations to enhance the quality of life op people with dementia and family carers.
- Caregivers day-1, Caregivers day-2, Caregivers day-3
Marco Blom, manager Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en adjunct-directeur, Alzheimer Nederland
Date: 21 Sep 2024Time: 16:20 - 16:40 CETRoom G106